Molson Canadian chasing beaver

Molson Canada is North America’s oldest brewery. It is a business division under the Molson Coors Brewing Company. Molson Canada has 3500 employees at various locations across Canada, including breweries in Vancouver, Edmonton, Creemore, Toronto, Montreal and St. John’s.

A sexual innuendo is a remark or question, typically disparaging, that works obliquely by allusion. The intention is often to insult or accuse someone in such a way that one’s words, taken literally, are innocent. Innuendo can make use of, but is by no means restricted to, double entendre (note that doubles entendres can be unintentional, while innuendo is always intentional).

Folgers Happy Morning

Coffee is usually brewed immediately before drinking. In most areas, coffee may be purchased unprocessed, or already roasted, or already roasted and ground.

In 2006, the advertising agency Saatchi & Saatchi created a viral advertisement, popularly known as “Happy Mornings,” for Folgers. The ad, in which a large group of impossibly cheerful singers and dancers appear at sunrise as the sun itself to wake people up, has been widely distributed on weblogs and video sites such as YouTube.

Tabasco Heat-Seeking Missile

Tabasco does not openly advertise its history with the U.S. Armed Forces. During the Spanish-American War, John Avery McIlhenny, son of Tabasco’s inventor and the second president of McIlhenny Company, served in the 1st U.S. Volunteer Cavalry Regiment, better known as Theodore Roosevelt’s Rough Riders. His son, Brigadier General Walter Stauffer McIlhenny, USMCR, a World War II veteran and recipient of the Navy Cross, presided over McIlhenny Company from 1949 until his death in 1985. During the Vietnam War, BGen. McIlhenny issued the The Charlie Ration Cookbook. (Charlie ration is slang for the field meal given to troops.) This cookbook came wrapped around a two-ounce bottle of Tabasco sauce in a camouflaged, water-resistant container. It included instructions on how to mix C-rations to make such tasty concoctions as “Combat Canapés” or “Breast of Chicken under Bullets.”

Infrared homing refers to a guidance system which uses the emission from a target of electromagnetic radiation in the infrared part of the spectrum to track it. Missiles which use infrared seeking are often referred to as “heat-seekers”, since infrared (IR) is just below the visible spectrum of light in frequency and is radiated strongly by hot bodies. Many objects such as people, vehicle engines and aircraft generate and retain heat, and as such, are especially visible in the infra-red wavelengths of light compared to objects in the background. NATO brevity code for a heat-seeking missile launch is Fox Two.

EDS herds cats

Electronic Data Systems (EDS) is a global business and technology services company that defined the outsourcing business when it was established in 1962 by Ross Perot. Headquartered in Plano, Texas, General Motors acquired the company in 1984, although it became an independent company again in 1996.

Many people characterize cats as ‘solitary’ animals. However, cats are actually highly social. A primary difference in social behavior between cats and dogs (to which they are often compared) is that cats do not have a social survival strategy, or a ‘pack mentality’; however this only means that cats take care of their basic needs on their own (e.g., finding food, defending themselves, etc.). It is not the same thing as being asocial. Perhaps the best example of how domestic cats are ‘naturally’ meant to behave is to observe feral domestic cats, which often live in colonies, but in which each individual basically looks after itself.

A&W Thick Headed Dumass

A&W Root Beer is one of the major root beer franchises in the United States. [It] was first brewed in June 1919, in Lodi, California by Roy Allen. Allen sold the nickel root beer at a roadside stand at a parade for returning World War I veterans. Along with partner Frank Wright, Allen began A&W Restaurants, giving the root beer its name as well as eventually selling other food.

Dumas is the surname of several people.

Chuck Norris Mountain Dew Payback

Mountain Dew is a caffeinated, sweet, citrus-flavored soft drink produced by PepsiCo, Inc. It was invented in Marion, Virginia and first marketed in Knoxville, Tennessee in 1948, then by the Minges family in Fayetteville, North Carolina and across the United States in 1964. When removed from its characteristic green bottle, Mountain Dew is bright yellow-green and semi-opaque.

Carlos Ray Norris (born on 10 March 1940) is an American martial artist, action star, Hollywood actor, and recently, an internet phenomenon, who is best known for playing Cordell Walker on Walker, Texas Ranger. In early 2007, Chuck Norris starred in a Mountain Dew commercial, in which he sought out revenge on two teens after putting up a video of an ostrich with Chuck Norris’ head on it and getting a million hits on a website similar to YouTube, alluding to his internet meme.