The Burger King Christmas Doll

The exchanging of gifts is one of the core aspects of the modern Christmas celebration, making it the most profitable time of year for retailers and businesses throughout the world.

A doll is a model of a human being, often used as a toy for girls.

Not all gift cards are redeemed. The card may be lost; there may be time decay (expiration and fees) or complex rules of redemption; the recipient may not be interested in the store that accepts the card or be under the false assumption that not using it will save money for the giver. In 2012, over $100 billion in gift cards will be purchased in the United States, where over 20% of those gift cards will go unredeemed or unused.

Since its foundation in 1954, Burger King has employed varied advertising programs, both successful and unsuccessful.

Jaminator, Hard Rock Made Easy

Worlds of Wonder or WoW was a 1980s American toy company…[that sold] the Jaminator (1990), an electronic air guitar that plays different riffs depended on which buttons are pressed on the neck and also provides basic rhythm accompaniment with a small keyboard and drum pads.

An electric guitar is a fretted stringed instrument with a neck and body that uses a pickup to convert the vibration of its strings into electrical signals.

A keytar is a relatively lightweight electronic keyboard (with or without a built-in synthesizer) that is supported by a strap around the neck and shoulders, similar to the way a guitar is supported by a strap.

Hard rock is a loosely defined subgenre of rock music that began in the mid-1960s, with the garage, psychedelic and blues rock movements. It is typified by a heavy use of aggressive vocals, distorted electric guitars, bass guitar, drums, and often accompanied with keyboards.

In various popular music styles, riff refers to a brief, relaxed phrase repeated over changing melodies.

Parker Brothers’ New Gnip Gnop is Very Easy to Play

Gnip Gnop was designed by Marvin Glass and Associates for Parker Brothers. It was originally released in 1971. The name is the backward spelling of “Ping-Pong”, the common name for table tennis.

Table tennis, also known as ping pong, is a sport in which two or four players hit a lightweight ball back and forth across a table using a small bat.

Marvin Glass and Associates (MGA) was a toy design and engineering firm based in Chicago. Marvin Glass (1914–1974) and his employees created some of the most successful toys and games of the twentieth century such as Mr. Machine, Rock ‘Em Sock ‘Em Robots, Lite Brite, Ants in the Pants, Mouse Trap, Operation, Simon, Body Language, and the Evel Knievel Stunt Cycle.

Parker Brothers was an American toy and game manufacturer which later became a brand of Hasbro. More than 1,800 games were published under the Parker Brothers name since 1883.