Russian Vecyoliy Molochnik Cheese

Cheese spread is a soft, spreadable, cheese or product containing cheese. Many commercial cheese spreads are in the form of processed cheese.

Swiss cheese is the generic name, in the United States, Canada and Australia, for several related varieties of cheese, all of which resemble the Swiss Emmental. It has a distinctive appearance, as a block of the cheese is riddled with holes known as “eyes.”

SFR Scrotum Disquamation

SFR (originally Société Française de Radiotéléphonie, no longer expanded) is a French mobile phone company. It has 17 million clients, including (as of January 2007) over 2 million using 3G (specifically UMTS) technology. It is currently 56% owned by the French group Vivendi and 44% by mobile phone giant, Vodafone.

Desquamation is the shedding of the outer layers of the skin. For example, once the rash of measles fades, there is desquamation. The word comes from the Latin ‘desquamare’ , meaning “to scrape the scales off a fish”.

The [term] mycosis (plural: mycoses) refers to conditions in which fungi pass the resistance barriers of the human or animal body and establish infections.

Steven Seagal Does The Dew

Mountain Dew is a caffeinated, sweet, citrus-flavored soft drink produced by PepsiCo, Inc. It was invented in Marion, Virginia and first marketed in Knoxville, Tennessee in 1948, then by the Minges family in Fayetteville, North Carolina and across the United States in 1964. When removed from its characteristic green bottle, Mountain Dew is bright yellow-green and semi-opaque.

Steven Seagal (born April 10, 1952), is an American action movie actor, producer, writer, director, singer-songwriter, and activist. Seagal has become the target of internet-based criticism. However, the line between Seagal’s own work and a parody portrayal of Seagal is becoming increasingly blurry. The abovementioned commercials for Orange SA and Mountain Dew poke fun at his action aikido style. Seagal is sometimes considered to be in on the joke.

Referee makes a bad call for Subway

Subway is the name of a multinational restaurant franchise that mainly sells sandwiches and salads. It was founded in 1965 by Fred De Luca and Peter Buck. The corporate name of Subway is Doctor’s Associates, Inc. The company has over 27,200 franchised units in 86 countries as of November 21, 2006 and is the fastest growing franchise in the world. This rapidly growing chain added over 2,000 locations in 2005.

A referee is a person who has authority to make decisions about play in many sports. Officials in some sports are known by a variety of other titles, including umpire, judge or linesman.

Spongmonkeys love the Quizno Subs

Quiznos Sub is a fast-food sandwich franchise that specializes in toasted submarine sandwiches. As of 2005, it is the second-largest submarine sandwich shop chain in North America, passing the older and slower-growing Blimpie, though still a fraction of the size of Subway.

In early 2004 the Spongmonkeys began appearing in television advertisements for Quizno’s Subs singing an altered version of their song called “We Love the Subs.” One commercial featured the oft-imitated line “they got a pepper bar,” referring to the self-serve assortments of peppers that are a Quizno’s selling point. The comments on the commercials were mixed, and a few months later the commercials stopped airing.

Napster Striptease

Napster, LLC (formerly Roxio, Inc.) is an online music provider offering a variety of purchase and subscription models. Their a la carte sales have been modest compared to their most significant competitor (Apple Inc.’s iTunes Store). The company’s name and logo are derived from the infamously free Napster peer-to-peer file trading service, which was shut down after a series of legal actions taken by the RIAA. The brand name was later purchased by Roxio, to capitalize on the notoriety and popularity of the former service.

A striptease or exotic dance is a form of erotic entertainment, usually a dance, in which the performer, known as a ‘stripper’, gradually undresses to music.

“Sunshine of Your Love” is a song by the British supergroup Cream, released on the Disraeli Gears album. It was Cream’s best-selling song and Atlantic Records’ best-selling to date as well. It features an immediately recognisable guitar/bass guitar riff (even to those who have never heard the song in its entirety) and an acclaimed guitar solo from Eric Clapton. It was written by bassist Jack Bruce, Pete Brown, and Clapton.