Jack in the Box’s New Sirloin Lawsuit

The sirloin steak is beef steak cut from the lower portion of the ribs, continuing off the tenderloin from which filet mignon is cut.

Angus are hardy, undemanding, adaptable, mature at around two years of age, and have a high carcass yield with marbled meat. As of the latter part of 2003 and early 2004, the American fast food industry has assisted in a public relations campaign to promote the supposedly superior quality of beef produced from Angus cattle (“Angus beef”).

In anatomy, the anus (from Latin ānus “ring, anus”) is the external opening of the rectum. Closure is controlled by sphincter muscles. Feces are expelled from the body through the anus during the act of defecation, which is the primary function of the anus.

In May of 2007, CKE Restaurants, Inc. filed a lawsuit against Jack in the Box, Inc. over two TV ads, The lawsuit claims the ads create a misleading impression that Jack In The Box’s new 100 percent sirloin hamburgers use a better quality of meat than the Angus beef used by Carl’s Jr. and Hardee’s. The lawsuit claims the TV spots confuse consumers by comparing sirloin, a cut of meat found on all cattle, with Angus, which is a breed of cattle.

Jeno’s Pizza Roll Ranger

General Mills is a Fortune 500 corporation, mainly concerned with food products, which is headquartered in Golden Valley, Minnesota, a suburb of Minneapolis. The company markets such brands as Betty Crocker, Progresso, Yoplait, Old El Paso, and Pillsbury, as well as numerous well-known breakfast cereals.

Totino’s and Jeno’s are brands of frozen pizza owned by General Mills, which collectively are reportedly the best selling economy frozen pizza brands in the United States.

[Stan Freberg‘s Jeno’s Pizza Rolls commercial is a] parody of a contemporary commercial for Lark cigarettes that used the William Tell Overture, here ending with a confrontation between a cigarette smoker (supposedly representing the Lark commercial’s announcer) and Clayton Moore as the Lone Ranger over the use of the music.

GEICO offends at the airport

The Government Employees Insurance Company, usually known by the acronym GEICO, is an American auto insurance company. GEICO is a wholly owned subsidiary of Berkshire Hathaway and, as of 2006, provided coverage for more than 10 million motor cars, trucks and other motor vehicles owned by more than 7 million policy holders. GEICO writes private passenger automobile insurance in the District of Columbia and in all U.S. states except Massachusetts.

A caveman is a popular stylized characterization of how early humans or hominids may have looked and behaved. The term is sometimes used colloquially to refer to Neanderthals, Cro-Magnon, or Homo sapiens of the Paleolithic era.

Röyksopp are a Norwegian electronic music duo from Tromsø formed in 1998. The duo consists of Svein Berge and Torbjørn Brundtland. Røyksopp is the Norwegian word for the class of mushrooms known as puffballs, but the band’s name substitutes ö for the second letter (in place of ø).

Cleaning up McDonald’s

In response to the backlash against McDonald’s, the firm has sought to include some healthy choices in its menu and has introduced a new slogan to its recruitment posters: “Not bad for a McJob”. (The word McJob, first attested in the mid-1980s and later popularized by Canadian novelist Douglas Coupland in his book Generation X, has become a buzz word for low paid, unskilled work with few prospects or benefits and little security). McDonald’s disputes the idea that its restaurant jobs have no prospects, noting that its CEO, Jim Skinner, started working at the company as a regular restaurant employee, and that 20 of its top 50 managers began work as regular crew members.

Bob Dylan’s Secret

Victoria’s Secret is a retailer of lingerie, women’s clothing and beauty products. It is a segment of specialty retail business, Limited Brands with an operating income of US$958 million in 2006. Victoria’s Secret is well known for its fashion shows and catalogues, which feature top fashion models.

Bob Dylan (born Robert Allen Zimmerman, May 24, 1941) is a Grammy, Golden Globe and Academy Award-winning American singer-songwriter, author, musician, and poet who has been a major figure in popular music for five decades. Much of Dylan’s most notable work dates from the 1960s, when he became an informal documentarian and reluctant figurehead of American unrest. Some of his songs, such as “Blowin’ in the Wind” and “The Times They Are a-Changin'”, became anthems of the anti-war and civil rights movements.

Love Sick is a popular concert feature song, based around a simple, repeating organ riff. It was written and recorded for Bob Dylan’s acclaimed 1997 album Time Out of Mind.

Folgers is rich enough to be served in America’s gourmet coffee houses

Another famous [Folgers] advertising campaign from the early 1980s took the viewer inside various gourmet restaurants as a voice-over whispered, “We are here at (insert name of four-star restaurant), where we’ve secretly replaced the fine coffee they usually serve with Folgers Crystals. Let’s see if anyone can tell the difference!” Of course, no one ever did.

A hidden camera is a still or video camera used to film people without their knowledge. The camera is “hidden” because it is either not visible to the subject being filmed, or is disguised as another object. Hidden cameras have become popular for household surveillance, and can be built into common household objects such as smoke detectors, clock radios, motion detectors, ball caps, plants, and cellphones. Hidden cameras may also be used commercially or industrially as security cameras.