Pepé Le Pew Romances The New McDLT

The McDLT (McDonald’s Lettuce and Tomato) was a hamburger product based on a novel form of packaging. The meat and bottom half of the bun was prepared separately from the lettuce, tomato, American cheese, pickles, sauces, and top half of the bun. Both were then packaged into a specially designed two-sided container. The consumer was then expected to finalize preparation of the sandwich by combining the hot and cool sides just prior to eating.

Pepé Le Pew is an Academy Award-winning fictional character in the Warner Bros. Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies series of cartoons. A French anthropomorphic skunk that always strolls around in Paris in the springtime, when everyone’s thoughts are of love, Pepé is constantly seeking “l’amour” of his own. However, he has two huge turnoffs to any prospective mates: his malodorous scent and the fact that he comes on too aggressively or with too much passion, both of which he is cheerfully oblivious of.

Big Tasty Transportation

[The] European variation called Big Tasty – First tried out under a different name in selected McDonald’s Restaurants in Sweden in summer 2003, then a national release came during the autumn, and the burger got its name and the burger got its name Big Tasty (dropping the N’) and was made up somewhat differently. It consists of a third pound beef patty, 5-inch sesame seed bun, square-cut lettuce, two tomato slices, Big Tasty sauce (which has a smoke flavour), slivered onions and three slices of Emmental cheese.

In Argentina, Austria, Brazil, Denmark, Greece, Italy, Mexico, Norway, Poland, Puerto Rico, Finland, Ecuador, and Sweden, the sandwich continues to be sold under the name ‘Big Tasty’. It was also launched under the name ‘Big Tasty’ in Romania, on April 4, 2007.

Transport or transportation is the movement of people and goods from one place to another. The term is derived from the Latin trans (“across”) and portare (“to carry”).

It’s Big Mac time for you

The Big Mac is a type of cheeseburger, a signature sandwich sold by the McDonald’s chain of fast-food restaurants since 1968, made with beef patties, lettuce, cheese, pickles and onion, with a “special sauce” and a sesame seed bun. The Big Mac was invented in Uniontown, Pennsylvania by Jim Delligatti in 1967. Customer response around there was so good that it rolled-out nationally in 1968.

Two all beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions on a sesame seed bun.” is a trademarked slogan first used by McDonald’s in 1975. The saying has remained popular even though it is not in official use by McDonald’s. Although shown here properly punctuated, it was often spoken rapidly in ads as a single word.

McDonald’s Hell

With the successful expansion of McDonald’s into many international markets, the company has become a symbol of globalization and the spread of the American way of life. Its prominence has also made it a frequent subject of public debates about obesity, corporate ethics and consumer responsibility.

Judaism does not have a specific doctrine about the afterlife, but it does have a tradition of describing Gehenna. Gehenna is not hell, but rather a sort of Purgatory where one is judged based on his or her life’s deeds. The Kabbalah describes it as a “waiting room” (commonly translated as an “entry way”) for all souls (not just the wicked). The overwhelming majority of rabbinic thought maintains that people are not in Gehenna forever; the longest that one can be there is said to be 11 months, however there has been the occasional noted exception. Some consider it a spiritual forge where the soul is purified for its eventual ascent to Olam Habah (heb. עולם הבא; lit. “The world to come”, often viewed as analogous to Heaven). This is also mentioned in the Kabbalah, where the soul is described as breaking, like the flame of a candle lighting another: the part of the soul that ascends being pure and the “unfinished” piece being reborn.

Jason Alexander sings and dances for the McDLT

Jason Alexander (born September 23, 1959) is a television, cinema and musical theatre actor, best known for his role as George Costanza on the hit television series Seinfeld.

George Louis Costanza is a fictional character on the United States-based television sitcom Seinfeld (1989–1998), played by Jason Alexander. He has variously been described as a “short, stocky, slow-witted, bald man” (by Elaine Benes), “Lord of the Idiots” (by Costanza himself), and as “the greatest sitcom character of all time”.

The McDLT is perhaps best remembered for its marketing, which focused on variations of the theme “Keep the hot side hot, and the cool side cool.” A fairly well-remembered 1985 commercial released to market the new sandwich featured a young Jason Alexander, and has obtained a minor following on the web.

For more McDonalds commercials, check out Video Ichiban.

McDonald’s Arch Deluxe Elevator

The Arch Deluxe was a hamburger created and marketed by McDonald’s with the intent of capturing the adult fast food consumer market, presented as a more sophisticated burger for an adult palate. It failed to catch on and is seen as one of the most expensive flops of all time.

In response to the demographic trend of longer lifespans and an expanding older market, McDonald’s made a conscious decision to attempt to market their food to a more adult audience. Rather than compromise their existing brand images, they decided to create a new line of burgers with more sophisticated ingredients. They commissioned Executive Chef Andrew Selvaggio to create the Deluxe line of burgers including the Fish Filet Deluxe, Grilled Chicken Deluxe, Crispy Chicken Deluxe and the flagship Arch Deluxe.

Iceberg/Crisphead – [Is the] most popular type [of lettuce] in the United States, it is very heat-sensitive and was originally adapted for growth in the northern United States. It ships well, but is low in flavor and nutritional content, being composed of even more water than other lettuce types.

An elevator (North American English) or lift (Commonwealth English) is a type of cable-assisted, hydraulic cylinder-assisted, or roller-track assisted machine that vertically transports people or freight between floors, levels, or decks of a building, vessel, or other structure.