The new Hilux is unbreakable, no bull

The Toyota Hilux, and Toyota Tacoma, are compact pickup trucks built and marketed by the Toyota Motor Corporation. The Hilux name was adopted as a replacement for the Stout in 1969, and remains in use worldwide.

Sheep shagger (alternative spelling: Sheepshagger) is a term aimed at people living in rural areas where populations of sheep are greater than those of the human residents, such as rural Ireland, Aberdeen, Wales, Australia or New Zealand, implying they perform sexual acts with sheep. Usage of this term is restricted to within the British and Irish Isles and mostly aimed at Yorkshiremen or the Welsh, areas where animal farming is a major industry, and is likewise widespread in Australia and New Zealand, where sheep farming especially is conducted on an industrial scale.

A cattle grid – also known as a stock grid in Australia; cattle guard, or cattle grate in American English; vehicle pass, Texas gate, or stock gap in the Southeastern United States; and a cattle stop in New Zealand English – is a type of obstacle used to prevent livestock, such as sheep, cattle, pigs, horses, or mules from passing along a road or railway which penetrates the fencing surrounding an enclosed piece of land or border.

Wendy’s Fast Burger tastes good

[Wendy’s] is famous for its square ground beef hamburgers, which are made to order at the time of purchase. The idea for Wendy’s “old fashioned” hamburgers was actually inspired by Dave Thomas’ trips to “Kewpee Hamburgers” in his home town of Kalamazoo, Michigan. The Kewpee sold square hamburgers and thick malt shakes, much like the famous restaurant that Thomas eventually founded in Columbus, Ohio in 1969. The Kewpee restaurant still thrives in Lima, Ohio.

A wind tunnel is a research tool developed to assist with studying the effects of air moving over or around solid objects.

Aerodynamics (shaping of objects that affect the flow of air, liquid or gas) is a branch of fluid dynamics concerned with the study of forces generated on a body in a flow. The solution of an aerodynamic problem normally involves calculating for various properties of the flow, such as velocity, pressure, density, and temperature, as a function of space and time. Understanding the flow pattern makes it possible to calculate or approximate the forces and moments acting on bodies in the flow. This mathematical analysis and empirical approximation form the scientific basis for heavier-than-air flight.

Born To Play with orange obox

Wolff Olins and advertising agency WCRS created the Orange brand. (The logo is square because a round Orange logo was already in existence designed by leading Graphic Designer Neville Brody for the reprographics and printing firm that is also known as Orange). The Orange network was launched on 28 April 1994.

Partner Communications Co. Ltd., is an Israeli wireless telecommunications service provider. Headquarters are in Rosh HaAyin. The company has the local license for the Orange and operates exclusively under this international wireless brand name. The prefix (area code) for all ‘Orange’ customers is 054.

Super Sub It and destroy the Earth

Mr. Sub is currently owned by Toronto resident Earl Linzon. While it was originally the only major retailer of submarine sandwiches in Canada, it has received competition from American chains such as Subway, as well as new arrival Quizno’s.

Gravitation is a natural phenomenon by which all objects attract each other. In everyday life, gravitation is most familiar as the agency that endows objects with weight. Gravitation is responsible for keeping the Earth and the other planets in their orbits around the Sun; for keeping the Moon in its orbit around the Earth; for the formation of tides; for convection; for heating the interiors of forming stars and planets to very high temperatures; and for various other phenomena that we observe.

I like Altoids Sours, I like them a lot

In addition to its regular line of mints, starting in the 4th quarter of 2002 the [Wm. Wrigley Jr. Company] also started selling hard-candy [Altoids] sours in round tins. Flavors include tangerine, citrus, raspberry, apple, mango, and passion fruit.

Sadism and masochism, often interrelated, are collectively known as S&M or sadomasochism. The term Sadism passed into common usage as the sexual or social pleasure or gratification in the infliction of pain and suffering upon another person. The word is derived from the name of the Marquis de Sade, a prolific French philosopher-writer of sexually violent novels and plays. The passive counterpart of sadism is masochism, the sexual pleasure or gratification of having pain or suffering inflicted upon the self, often consisting of sexual fantasies or urges for being beaten, humiliated, bound, tortured, or otherwise made to suffer, either as an enhancement to or a substitute for sexual pleasure.

Gorton’s Beer Fish

Gorton’s of Gloucester is a subsidiary of the Japanese seafood conglomerate Nippon Suisan Kaisha, Ltd., producing fishsticks and other frozen seafood for the retail market in the United States. Gorton’s also has a North American foodservice business which sells to fast-food restaurants such as McDonald’s, and an industrial coating ingredients operation. It has been headquartered in Gloucester, Massachusetts since 1849.

Batter is a liquid mixture, usually based on one or more flours combined with liquids such as water, milk or beer. Egg is also a common component. Often a leavening agent is included in the mixture to aerate and fluff up the batter as it cooks (or the mixture may be naturally fermented for this purpose as well as to add flavour).