Nannerpus is a fictional breakfast dish portrayed in a Denny’s commercial. Run on February 1, 2009 during the United States broadcast of Super Bowl XLIII on NBC, the commercial portrayed Nannerpus as consisting of a stack of pancakes garnished with a banana whose peel has its bottom half split into eight strips in a radial fashion to resemble an octopus.
On February 3, 2009, almost all Denny’s locations in the U.S. and Canada offered a free Grand Slam Breakfast to customers between 6 a.m. and 2 p.m. This promotion was advertised in a campaign during Super Bowl XLIII. An estimated to million people took advantage of the free “Grand Slam Breakfast.” If the estimated figure is correct, Denny’s will have been the most visited restaurant within one business day since 2003.
Goodby, Silverstein & Partners is an advertising agency located in San Francisco, California and co-founded by Jeff Goodby and Rich Silverstein.