It’s Halftime In America

[In 2012] Chrysler again aired a 2 minute long [Super Bowl advertisement], “Halftime in America”, this time with Clint Eastwood discussing Detroit as a model for the rest of the country in how to rebound economically.

In December 2008, U.S. President George W. Bush agreed to a $17.4 billion bailout for GM and Chrysler using his broad authority under the $700 billion fund established to help the failing banks known as the TARP.

Clinton “Clint” Eastwood, Jr. (born May 31, 1930) is an American film actor, director, producer, composer and politician. Eastwood first came to prominence as a supporting cast member in the TV series Rawhide (1959–1965).

In many sports that are televised, half-time offers the opportunity to advertise, a valuable source of revenue for television companies.